
New Year's Day at Margaritas

Well I can't quite remember  when it began, but some time ago my father decided that each new year should begin with Margaritas. Yes, the drink, but what he meant was the Mexican restaurant in Portland, Maine called Margaritas (the one on Brown St).  Since we loved going there anyway, no one objected to this new rule. And so it became a family tradition. Even for those of us in the family who are night owls, party animals, (you know who you are, eh-hmm, Megan and Paul) no worries, because fortunately Margaritas doesn't open on New Year's Day till around 5pm. So rolling out of bed at around 4pm works just fine. 

It's late as I write this, and 6 hours ahead of my family back on the east coast. I imagine they're all probably at this popular watering hole already, ready to dive in. And this year, a new addition to the family, my adorable 2-year-old niece Ivy, will join in. Order the baby chimis, Ivy! I really hope that someone snaps a picture of her wearing a sombrero. 

my dad - usually the first to arrive
If you're ever in New England and stumble upon a Margaritas Mexican Restaurant, go in, at least for a drink. Try my favorite, the frozen Russelrita Margarita made with raspberries and strawberries, or maybe a Blood Orange or Prickly Cactus Margarita is more up your alley. There are so many choices...

the Fried Ice Cream at Margaritas
 When a  waiter passes you by with a tray of sizzling fajitas, you'll find yourself asking the bartender for a menu. Suddenly you have quite the appetite after all that partying you did the night before on New Year's Eve. Everything is delicious on their menu, which is enormous and includes awesome pictures that will only play with your decision-making abilities. Start off with the Chicken Baby Chimis or go nuts with the Nachos Cowabunga (the name pretty much explains it). My favorite choice for dinner was always the Chicken Chimichanga. Chicken and cheese rolled in a flour tortilla, then fried MMM!, then baked. The whole thing's covered in a mild chili sauce, cheese of course, guacamole and sour cream. Heaven. If you find that you still have room after all this, go for their fried ice cream. Sound weird? It's deeelicious. (See picture)

my dad, my sister Meg, her husband Paul, me, and my hubbie Pascal
Every time I'm there I can't help but notice the decor which is vibrant and amazing. Bursts of color everywhere, super funky cave-like nooks for an intimate party of 2 or fun party of 6, big black stars with tons of pinholes bursting with light hanging from the ceiling.....no matter where you pose for a pic with your friends, you've got a great backdrop. On Margaritas' website, I read that each restaurant is decorated with artwork (and there's loads of it) that is hand-crafted by artists in villages back in Mexico. Pretty cool. That definitely gives the place an authentic feel.
Margaritas Mexican Restaurant in Portland, Maine
So have a Margarita for me, Megs. Ivy, if I were there, I'd steal one of your baby chimis! Who knows, maybe a trip to Maine will be in the cards for next year. I certainly won't hold my breath for a Margaritas franchise to be opened here in the South of France, although I think it would be wildly popular with the younger generation. Sigh...New Year's Day just isn't the same without my family and heading straight to Margaritas. Toast one for me guys!!


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